Digital Wellness Module

Lesson 1: Online Reputation

Before you start the lesson, make sure to read through the lesson overview and the lesson preparation. The Facilitator Guide can also help you prepare.

Lesson Overview

Lesson Preparation

Begin Lesson

Begin Lesson

Who Knows Your Secrets?

Part 1


What is a secret you have about yourself? Keep this secret in your mind. You won’t have to share this secret with anyone or write it down.

Now answer these questions in your own mind — don’t speak your answers out loud or write them down:

  • How many people in this room know the secret?
  • How many people in your neighborhood know the secret?
  • How many people that you have never met face to face know the secret?

Imagine that you had to write down that secret on a piece of paper and one random person in this group was to read it.

Here are some more questions — again, answer them only in your mind, not out loud or in writing. After one week goes by:

  • How many people in this room would now know the secret?
  • How many people in your neighborhood would now know the secret?
  • How many people that you have never met face to face would now know the secret?

Part 2


You need to think of people who are likely to see a secret or other piece of information about you as “the audience” for that information. Having a better sense of the audience may help you more easily determine the information you feel comfortable sharing and what to not share with others.

An audience is made up of a person or a group of people that can access a particular piece of information. With new technologies today, audiences can grow very quickly. Because of this potential for rapid audience growth, it’s difficult — if not impossible — for you to know or limit the audience for your online information and activities. While it’s great that audiences can grow quickly when you want to share your work with a lot of people, it’s not great when this happens with information that you want to keep private.

Unfortunately, private information — especially embarrassing information — is often exciting to people when they see it, so once this type of information is out there online, it can be very challenging to control who sees this content.

Whenever you share information online (even just directly with one person, like in a text or private message), you should be prepared for the possibility that it may spread well beyond the audience you intended to reach.

Part 3

  • When you post a status update, photo, or other information on social media, who is your intended audience?
  • Does it depend on the social media platform? Or the context?

It depends on your privacy settings as well as the social media platform you choose, but your audience could include just your closest friends/followers/connections or be broad enough to include anyone who uses that social media platform or anyone who searches for you online. But no matter who the audience is, information can be copied and posted somewhere else, someone can take a photo/screenshot of the content, or information can be shared through in-person and online conversations.

  • Who is your intended audience when you add content on social media?
  • Who is your intended audience when, for example, you post on someone else’s Facebook timeline or when you add content to another person’s social media account (e.g., by commenting on one of their photos, tagging them in a post or photo)?

This will depend on both your and their privacy settings, but often the content will be visible to their friends/followers/connections, which will include people you don’t know — this might include their family members or administrators, or teachers at their school.

  • When you send a message (e.g., text, email, private/direct message on social media), who is your intended audience?

Your audience is the person you’re sending it to but be careful — others might see it as well.

  • How can your message reach people other than the person you sent it to? Possible ways include through photos/screenshots, forwarding, and in-person phone sharing.
  • In which cases might reaching a larger audience be useful? Possible examples include hoping to spread a message to a large audience, mobilizing people, or raising awareness.
  • In which cases could reaching a bigger audience than intended be problematic? Sharing beyond the intended audience can get you in trouble, cause embarrassment, reputational harms.
  • What are some situations where maintaining a good online reputation might be important? Possible examples include school/college/university applications, job applications, and making new friends.

Researching your Reputation

Part 1


The teacher chooses a public figure (e.g., someone in the music/film/TV industry, political figure, business leader) who will be familiar to the students. Look up the person’s name on an online search engine and, with students, examine a few of the items that come up (please project search results on a screen). Also, explore the public figure’s social media presence. After spending a few minutes exploring, ask two students to act out a hypothetical interaction between the public figure and a fan.

  • How does it feel encountering someone who knows a lot of information about you?
  • How would you feel if that information was incorrect?
  • How many people can access this information?
  • How can you control what information about you is available online?

Part 2


People you meet will use search engines to obtain more information about you. What they find, good or bad, is going to impact what they think about you. If you want to be able to have control over how they perceive you, it is important for you to know what information they are likely to see.

These people include future employers and school/ college/university admissions officers. Admissions officers and employers may not inform applicants of whether they looked them up online and/or used the information they found online to help make admissions or employment decisions.

Part 3


Organize students into pairs.


Brainstorm three things you would want to come up when someone searches for your name online. How likely do you think it is that these things will actually appear in the search results? Share with your partner.

  • What did you and your partner come up with?
  • Raise your hand if you have searched for your name online. What did you see? What photos come up? Were you able to find information about yourself, or are there other people in the world who share your name?
Teacher's Note

If they have a common name, ask students to add a piece of information to their searches, such as their hometown or their school's name.

You can also ask students to Google themselves/search for their name online during this activity if computers or mobile devices with internet access are available.

  • When you search for your name online, ask these four questions:
  • What are the first few results?
  • Are you comfortable with this information?
  • What do the other results suggest about who you are as a person? As a student? As an employee?
  • What impression might someone who doesn’t know you develop upon seeing these results? What impression might they have if they clicked and read the information contained in the first few results?

Responding to Complex Information


Pass out the “What should you do?” resource. Organize students into pairs. Ask students to discuss the scenarios on the worksheet and come up with two strategies/solutions for each scenario and think about the potential consequences of their actions. Give them 15 minutes to do this.

Teacher's Note

The handouts are intended to teach students to think critically about their online behaviors and how they treat others. The names and situations in the handouts can be further localized to reflect common names and activities in the area you are teaching.

  • What should you do when someone posts content about you that you don’t like and/or find inappropriate in that context?
  • What should you think about before posting content about someone else?

Responding to Negative Information

Part 1

  • If you find negative information about yourself when you search for your name online (e.g., through a search engine or on social media), can you do something about it?
  • What are some examples of content you might not want others to see?

Part 2


There are different approaches as to what can be done if you encounter online content about yourself that you don’t like, depending on the context and the type of information, among other factors. One approach is “counter-speech,” which means to draw attention/give more visibility to positive stories about yourself by creating and managing content that reflects you in a positive light. You can do this, for example, by creating a social media presence when appropriate, starting a blog, or registering a website based on your name.

A second approach includes different measures to have negative content removed. For instance, if you see content you do not like (e.g., a photo of you), you can try to reach out directly to the individual who posted it (particularly on social media and/or messaging apps) to ask him or her to remove the content.

Many platforms also provide interfaces to flag information that you feel is annoying or not interesting; content (e.g., photos, videos, text-based posts) that shows you in a negative/unflattering light; content that shouldn’t be on the platform (e.g., seems offensive, violent or prohibited); and content that appears to be a scam. The platform then checks it against its terms of service and community norms.

In some cases, you might have legal remedies and can, for instance, file a lawsuit in a court of law, depending on jurisdiction and applicable law (e.g., in some cases of invasion of privacy or false statements that damage someone’s reputation). Some countries have specific laws that require platforms to take down certain types of unlawful content upon notification.

Please also note that sometimes attempting to suppress/remove/correct content might inadvertently draw greater attention to it.

Teacher's Note

This example is intended to educate students about the laws governing social media platforms and data in their country. The laws governing social media platforms and data protection can be further localized to reflect your student’s local context in the area you are teaching.

Part 3

Teacher's Note

In Part 3, discuss any laws and regulations around data protection in your country or region that may be relevant for your students. This example is intended to educate students about the laws governing social media platforms and data in their country, so they can be more informed digital citizens. For example:

  • Egypt: The Personal Data Protection Law was passed in 2020, which stipulates that personal data must be accurate and kept secure and only used for legitimate and public reasons. Users have the right to withdraw consent to the collection of their personal data and they can delete/change/update their personal data. This does not apply to the Central Bank of Egypt and national security authorities.
  • United Arab Emirates: In early September 2021, the UAE announced the creation of a data privacy law that would limit the ways businesses can use data and allows for the ‘right to be forgotten’ or the right to remove data and personal information from the internet.



Now that we have talked about how publicly available online information helps form opinions about other people let’s apply what you’ve just learned. Over the next 30 minutes, individually, engage in the following activity.

Choose a public figure (e.g., someone in the music/film/TV industry, political figure, business leader). Search for publicly available information about that person online and explain, in a short paragraph, how this information has helped you form an opinion about this person. If you could provide this individual with four recommendations about how content about them could be available online differently (e.g., a change in privacy settings, a change in audience, a change in the substance of the content) and/or not be available at all (e.g., deleted, have taken down) to improve how this person presents themselves/is perceived by others online, what would they be?

Give students 30 minutes to finish the assignment.

End Lesson

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